swirlspy.qpf.dl package
swirlspy.qpf.dl.config module
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.config.cfg_from_file(file_name, target)
Load a config file and merge it into the default options.
- Parameters
file_name (str) – config file path
target (.helpers.ordered_easydict.OrderedEasyDict) – default config
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.config.load_latest_cfg(dir_path, target)
Load latest configuration
- Parameters
dir_path (str) – path to load config
target (.helpers.ordered_easydict.OrderedEasyDict) – default configuration
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.config.ordered_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=<class 'yaml.dumper.SafeDumper'>, **kwds)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.config.save_cfg(dir_path, source)
Save config file
- Parameters
dir_path (str) – path to save the config file
source (.helpers.ordered_easydict.OrderedEasyDict) – model configuration
swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.EncoderForecasterBaseFactory(batch_size, in_seq_len, out_seq_len, height, width, ctx_num=1, name='encoder_forecaster')
- encoder_data_desc()
- encoder_sym()
- forecaster_data_desc()
- forecaster_sym()
- property init_encoder_state_info
- property init_forecaster_state_info
- property init_gan_state_info
- loss_data_desc()
- loss_label_desc()
- loss_sym()
- stack_rnn_encode(data)
- stack_rnn_forecast(block_state_list, last_frame)
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.EncoderForecasterStates(factory, ctx)
- get_encoder_states()
- get_forecaster_state()
- reset_all()
- reset_batch(batch_id)
- update(states_nd)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.encoder_forecaster_build_networks(factory, context, shared_encoder_net=None, shared_forecaster_net=None, shared_loss_net=None, for_finetune=False)
- Parameters
factory (EncoderForecasterBaseFactory) –
context (list) –
shared_encoder_net (MyModule or None) –
shared_forecaster_net (MyModule or None) –
shared_loss_net (MyModule or None) –
for_finetune (bool) –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.get_encoder_forecaster_rnn_blocks(batch_size)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.init_optimizer_using_cfg(net, for_finetune)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.load_encoder_forecaster_params(load_dir, load_iter, encoder_net, forecaster_net)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.encoder_forecaster.train_step(batch_size, encoder_net, forecaster_net, loss_net, init_states, data_nd, gt_nd, mask_nd, u_vector_nd=None, v_vector_nd=None, source_term_nd=None, iter_id=None)
Finetune the encoder, forecaster and GAN for one step
- Parameters
batch_size (int) –
encoder_net (MyModule) –
forecaster_net (MyModule) –
loss_net (MyModule) –
init_states (EncoderForecasterStates) –
data_nd (mx.nd.ndarray) –
gt_nd (mx.nd.ndarray) –
mask_nd (mx.nd.ndarray) –
u_vector_nd (mx.nd.ndarray or None) –
v_vector_nd (mx.nd.ndarray or None) –
source_term_nd (mx.nd.ndarray or None) –
iter_id (int) –
- Returns
init_states (EncoderForecasterStates)
loss_dict (dict)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_benchmark module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_benchmark.HKOBenchmarkEnv(pd_path, save_dir='hko7_benchmark', mode='fixed')
The Benchmark environment for the HKO7 Dataset
There are two settings for the Benchmark, the “fixed” setting and the “online” setting. In the “fixed” setting, pre-defined input sequences that have the same length will be
- fed into the model for prediction.
This setting tests the model’s ability to use the instant past to predict the future.
- In the “online” setting, M frames will be given each time and the forecasting model
- is required to predict the next K frames every stride steps.
- If the begin_new_episode flag is turned on, a new episode has begun, which means that
the current received images have no relationship with the previous images.
If the need_upload_prediction flag is turned on, the model is required to predict the This setting tests both the model’s ability to adapt in an online fashion and
the ability to capture the long-term dependency.
The input frame will be missing in some timestamps.
To run the benchmark in the fixed setting:
env = HKOBenchmarkEnv(…) while not env.done:
# Get the observation in_frame_dat, in_mask_dat, in_datetime_clips, out_datetime_clips, begin_new_episode =
# Running your algorithm to get the prediction prediction = … # Upload prediction to the environment env.upload_prediction(prediction)
- property done
- get_observation(batch_size=1)
- Parameters
batch_size (int) –
- Returns
in_frame_dat (np.ndarray) – Will be between 0 and 1
in_datetime_clips (list)
out_datetime_clips (list)
begin_new_episode (bool)
need_upload_prediction (bool)
- print_stat_readable()
- reset()
- save_eval(print_out=False)
- upload_prediction(prediction)
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) –
swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.HKOEvaluation(seq_len, use_central, no_ssim=True, threholds=None, central_region=None)
- begin()
- calculate_stat()
The following measurements will be used to measure the score of the forecaster
See Also [Weather and Forecasting 2010] Equitability Revisited: Why the “Equitable Threat Score” Is Not Equitable http://www.wxonline.info/topics/verif2.html
We will denote (a b (hits false alarms
c d) = misses correct negatives)
We will report the POD = a / (a + c) FAR = b / (a + b) CSI = a / (a + b + c) Heidke Skill Score (HSS) = 2(ad - bc) / ((a+c) (c+d) + (a+b)(b+d)) Gilbert Skill Score (GSS) = HSS / (2 - HSS), also known as the Equitable Threat Score
HSS = 2 * GSS / (GSS + 1)
MSE = mask * (pred - gt) **2 MAE = mask * abs(pred - gt) GDL = valid_mask_h * abs(gd_h(pred) - gd_h(gt)) + valid_mask_w * abs(gd_w(pred) - gd_w(gt))
- clear_all()
- print_stat_readable(prefix='')
- save(prefix, print_out=False)
- save_pkl(path)
- save_txt_readable(path, print_out)
- update(gt, pred, mask, start_datetimes=None)
- Parameters
gt (np.ndarray) –
pred (np.ndarray) –
mask (np.ndarray) – 0 indicates not use and 1 indicates that the location will be taken into account
start_datetimes (list) – The starting datetimes of all the testing instances
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.dBZ_to_pixel(dBZ_img)
- Parameters
dBZ_img (np.ndarray) –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_GDL(prediction, truth, mask, sum_batch=False)
Calculate the masked gradient difference loss
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
truth (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
mask (np.ndarray or None) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width) 0 –> not use 1 –> use
- Returns
gdl – Shape: (seq_len,) or (seq_len, batch_size)
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_PSNR(prediction, truth)
Peak Signal Noise Ratio
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) –
truth (np.ndarray) –
- Returns
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_SSIM(prediction, truth)
Calculate the SSIM score following [TIP2004] Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity
Same functionality as https://github.com/coupriec/VideoPredictionICLR2016/blob/master/image_error_measures.lua#L50-L75
We use nowcasting.helpers.msssim, which is borrowed from Tensorflow to do the evaluation
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) –
truth (np.ndarray) –
- Returns
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_balancing_weights(data, mask, base_balancing_weights=None, thresholds=None)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_correlation(prediction, truth)
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) –
truth (np.ndarray) –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_hit_miss_counts(prediction, truth, mask=None, thresholds=None, sum_batch=False)
This function calculates the overall hits and misses for the prediction, which could be used to get the skill scores and threat scores:
This function assumes the input, i.e, prediction and truth are 3-dim tensors, (timestep, row, col) and all inputs should be between 0~1
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
truth (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
mask (np.ndarray or None) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width) 0 –> not use 1 –> use
thresholds (list or tuple) –
- Returns
hits (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, len(thresholds)) or (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) TP
misses (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, len(thresholds)) or (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) FN
false_alarms (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, len(thresholds)) or (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) FP
correct_negatives (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, len(thresholds)) or (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) TN
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.get_rainfall_mse(prediction, truth)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.pixel_to_dBZ(img)
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray or float) –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.pixel_to_rainfall(img, a=None, b=None)
Convert the pixel values to real rainfall intensity
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) –
a (float32, optional) –
b (float32, optional) –
- Returns
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_evaluation.rainfall_to_pixel(rainfall_intensity, a=None, b=None)
Convert the rainfall intensity to pixel values
- Parameters
rainfall_intensity (np.ndarray) –
a (float32, optional) –
b (float32, optional) –
- Returns
- Return type
swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_factory module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_factory.HKONowcastingFactory(batch_size, in_seq_len, out_seq_len, name='hko_nowcasting')
- loss_sym(pred=<Symbol pred>, mask=<Symbol mask>, target=<Symbol target>, source=<Symbol source>, motion_vector_field=[<Symbol u>, <Symbol v>])
Construct loss symbol.
- Optional args:
pred: Shape (out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W) mask: Shape (out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W) target: Shape (out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W) source: Shape (out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W) motion_vector_field: Shape [(out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W),
(out_seq_len, batch_size, C, H, W)]
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_factory.get_loss_weight_symbol(data, mask, seq_len)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.HKOIterator(pd_path, sample_mode, seq_len=30, max_consecutive_missing=2, begin_ind=None, end_ind=None, stride=None, width=None, height=None, base_freq='6min')
The iterator for HKO-7 dataset
- property begin_time
- check_new_start()
- property end_time
- get_airflow_terms(frames, batch_size)
Retrieve airflow terms: u and v
- Parameters
frames (np.ndarray) – Shape: (out_len+2, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
batch_size (int) – Batch size
- Returns
u (np.ndarray) – Shape: (out_len+1, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
v (np.ndarray) – Shape: (out_len+1, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
- random_reset()
- reset(begin_ind=None, end_ind=None)
- sample(batch_size, only_return_datetime=False)
Sample a minibatch from the hko7 dataset based on the given type and pd_file
- Parameters
batch_size (int) – Batch size
only_return_datetime (bool) – Whether to only return the datetimes
- Returns
frame_dat (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
mask_dat (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
datetime_clips (list) – length should be valid_batch_size
new_start (bool)
- sample_physical_params(frames, batch_size)
Sample u, v and source for physical loss function
- Parameters
frames (np.ndarray) – Shape: (out_len+2, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
batch_size (int) – Batch size
- Returns
u (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
v (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
source (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, valid_batch_size, 1, height, width)
- set_begin_end(begin_ind=None, end_ind=None)
- property total_frame_num
- property use_up
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.HKOSimpleBuffer(df, max_buffer_length, width, height)
- get(timestamps)
timestamps must be sorted
- Parameters
timestamps –
- reset()
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.convert_datetime_to_filepath(date_time)
Convert datetime to the filepath
- Parameters
date_time (datetime.datetime) –
- Returns
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.convert_datetime_to_maskpath(date_time)
Convert datetime to path of the mask
- Parameters
date_time (datetime.datetime) –
- Returns
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.decode_month(code)
Decode the month code back to the month value
- Parameters
code (np.ndarray) – (…, 2) float
- Returns
month – (…,) int
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.encode_month(month)
Encode the month into a vector
- Parameters
month (np.ndarray) – (…,) int, between 1 and 12
- Returns
ret – (…, 2) float
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.get_exclude_mask()
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.get_valid_datetime_set()
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.pad_hko_dat(frame_dat, mask_dat, batch_size)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.hko_iterator.precompute_mask(img)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.image module
- exception swirlspy.qpf.dl.image.UnknownImageFormat
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.image.cv2_read_img(path, read_storage, grayscale)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.image.cv2_read_img_resize(path, read_storage, resize_storage, frame_size, grayscale)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.image.quick_imsize(file_path)
Return (width, height) for a given img file content - no external dependencies except the os and struct modules from core
- Parameters
file_path –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.image.quick_read_frames(path_list, im_w=None, im_h=None, resize=False, frame_size=None, grayscale=True)
Multi-thread Frame Loader
- Parameters
path_list (list) –
resize (bool, optional) –
frame_size (None or tuple) –
swirlspy.qpf.dl.mask module
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.mask.quick_read_masks(path_list)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.mask.read_mask_file(filepath, out)
Load mask file to numpy array
- Parameters
filepath (str) –
out (np.ndarray) –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.mask.save_mask_file(npy_mask, filepath)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator.MovingMNISTAdvancedIterator(digit_num=None, distractor_num=None, img_size=None, distractor_size=5, max_velocity_scale=3.6, initial_velocity_range=(0.0, 3.6), acceleration_range=(0.0, 0.0), scale_variation_range=(0.9090909090909091, 1.1), rotation_angle_range=(-30, 30), global_rotation_angle_range=(-30, 30), illumination_factor_range=(0.6, 1.0), period=5, global_rotation_prob=0.5, index_range=(0, 40000))
- draw_distractors(canvas_img, distractor_seeds)
- Parameters
canvas_img –
- draw_imgs(base_img, affine_transforms, prev_affine_transforms=None)
- Parameters
base_img (list) – Inner Shape: (H, W)
affine_transforms (np.ndarray) – Shape: (digit_num, 2, 3)
prev_affine_transforms (np.ndarray) – Shape: (digit_num, 2, 3)
- load(file)
Initialize to draw samples from pre-computed parameters.
- Parameters
file (Either the file name (string) or an open file (file-like) –
loaded. (object) from which the data will be) –
- sample(batch_size, seqlen, random=True)
- Parameters
batch_size (int) –
seqlen (int) –
random (take random samples from loaded parameters. Ignored if no parameters are loaded.) –
- Returns
seq (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seqlen, batch_size, 1, H, W)
motion_vectors (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seqlen, batch_size, 2, H, W)
- save(seqlen, num_samples=10000, file=None)
Draw random numbers for num_samples sequences and save them.
This initializes the state of MovingMNISTAdvancedIterator to generate sequences based on the hereby drawn parameters.
Note that each call to sample(batch_size, seqlen) will use batch_size of the num_samples parameters.
- Parameters
num_samples (Number of unique MovingMNISTAdvanced sequences to draw) – parameters for
file (Either the file name (string) or an open file (file-like) – object) where the data will be saved. If file is a string or a Path, the .npz extension will be appended to the file name if it is not already there.
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator.MovingMNISTIterator
- sample(digitnum=3, width=64, height=64, seqlen=20, lower=3.0, upper=5.0, batch_size=32, index_range=(0, 50000))
- Parameters
digitnum –
width –
height –
seqlen –
batch_size –
index_range –
- Returns
seq – Shape: (seqlen, batch_size, 1, width, height)
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator.crop_mnist_digit(digit_img, tol=5)
Return the cropped version of the mnist digit
- Parameters
digit_img (np.ndarray) – Shape: ()
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator.load_mnist(training_num=50000)
Load the mnist dataset
- Parameters
training_num –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.movingmnist_iterator.move_step(v0, p0, bounding_box)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.my_module module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.my_module.MyModule(symbol, data_names=('data', ), label_names=('softmax_label', ), logger=<module 'logging' from '/opt/conda/envs/swirlspy/lib/python3.6/logging/__init__.py'>, context=gpu(0), work_load_list=None, fixed_param_names=None, state_names=None, name=None)
Some enhancement to the mx.mod.Module
- acc_grad_with_tmp()
- clear_grad()
- clip_by_global_norm(max_norm=1.0)
Clips gradient norm. The norm is computed over all gradients together, as if they were
concatenated into a single vector. Gradients are modified in-place.
- The method is first used in
[ICML2013] On the difficulty of training recurrent neural networks
- Parameters
max_norm (float or int) – The maximum clipping threshold of the gradient norm.
- Returns
norm_val – The computed norm of the gradients.
- Return type
- An example of using clip_grad_norm to clip the gradient before updating the parameters::
>>> #Get the gradient via back-propagation >>> net.forward_backward(data_batch=data_batch) >>> norm_val = net.clip_by_global_norm(max_norm=1.0) >>> net.update()
- debug_norm_all(debug_gnorm=True)
- get_output_dict()
- global_grad_norm()
Calculate global gradient norm. The L2 norm is computed over all gradients together, as if they were
concatenated into a single vector.
- Could be used to debug the optimization process.
See http://videolectures.net/deeplearning2015_goodfellow_network_optimization/
- Returns
norm_val – The computed norm of the gradients.
- Return type
- An example of using global_norm to calculate the gradient norm after back-propgation::
>>> #Get the gradient via back-propagation >>> net.forward_backward(data_batch=data_batch) >>> norm_val = net.global_grad_norm() >>> print(norm_val)
- load_params_allow_missing(fname)
Loads model parameters from file.
- Parameters
fname (str) – Path to input param file.
>>> # An example of loading module parameters. >>> mod.load_params('myfile')
- save_tmp_grad()
- summary(level=2)
Summarize the network parameters.
- Parameters
level (int, optional) –
Level of the summarization logs to print. The log becomes more verbose with higher summary level. - Level = 0
Print the total param number + aux param number
- Level = 1
Print the shape of all parameters + The total number of paremter numbers
- Level = 2
Print the shape of the data/state and other available information in Level 1
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.my_module.nd_global_norm(t_list)
Computes the global norm of multiple tensors.
- Given a tuple or list of tensors t_list, this operation returns the global norm of the elements
in all tensors in t_list. The global norm is computed as:
global_norm = sqrt(sum([l2norm(t)**2 for t in t_list]))
Any entries in t_list that are of type None are ignored.
- Parameters
t_list (list or tuple) – The NDArray list
- Returns
ret – The global norm. The shape of the NDArray will be (1,)
- Return type
>>> x = mx.nd.ones((2, 3)) >>> y = mx.nd.ones((5, 6)) >>> z = mx.nd.ones((4, 2, 3)) >>> print(nd_global_norm([x, y, z]).asscalar()) 7.74597 >>> xnone = None >>> ret = nd_global_norm([x, y, z, xnone]) >>> print(ret.asscalar()) 7.74597
swirlspy.qpf.dl.numba_accelerated module
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.numba_accelerated.get_GDL_numba(prediction, truth, mask)
Accelerated version of get_GDL using numba(http://numba.pydata.org/)
- Parameters
prediction –
truth –
mask –
- Return type
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.numba_accelerated.get_balancing_weights_numba(data, mask, base_balancing_weights=None, thresholds=None)
Get the balancing weights
- Parameters
data –
mask –
base_balancing_weights –
thresholds –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.numba_accelerated.get_hit_miss_counts_numba(prediction, truth, mask, thresholds=None)
This function calculates the overall hits and misses for the prediction, which could be used to get the skill scores and threat scores:
This function assumes the input, i.e, prediction and truth are 3-dim tensors, (timestep, row, col) and all inputs should be between 0~1
- Parameters
prediction (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
truth (np.ndarray) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width)
mask (np.ndarray or None) – Shape: (seq_len, batch_size, 1, height, width) 0 –> not use 1 –> use
thresholds (list or tuple) –
- Returns
hits (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) TP
misses (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) FN
false_alarms (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) FP
correct_negatives (np.ndarray) – (seq_len, batch_size, len(thresholds)) TN
swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops module
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.activation(data, act_type, name=None)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv2d(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), dilate=(1, 1), no_bias=False, name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv2d_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), dilate=(1, 1), no_bias=False, act_type='relu', name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv2d_bn_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), dilate=(1, 1), no_bias=False, act_type='relu', momentum=0.9, eps=1.0000001e-05, fix_gamma=True, name=None, use_global_stats=False, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv3d(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), dilate=(1, 1, 1), no_bias=False, name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv3d_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), dilate=(1, 1, 1), no_bias=False, act_type='relu', name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.conv3d_bn_act(data, num_filter, height, width, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), dilate=(1, 1, 1), no_bias=False, act_type='relu', momentum=0.9, eps=1.0000001e-05, fix_gamma=True, name=None, use_global_stats=False, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv2d(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), adj=(0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, name='deconv2d', **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv2d_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), adj=(0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, act_type='relu', name='deconv2d', **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv2d_bn_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), adj=(0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, act_type='relu', momentum=0.9, eps=1.0000001e-05, fix_gamma=True, name='deconv2d', use_global_stats=False, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv3d(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), adj=(0, 0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv3d_act(data, num_filter, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), adj=(0, 0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, act_type='relu', name=None, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.deconv3d_bn_act(data, num_filter, height, width, kernel=(1, 1, 1), stride=(1, 1, 1), pad=(0, 0, 0), adj=(0, 0, 0), no_bias=True, target_shape=None, act_type='relu', momentum=0.9, eps=1.0000001e-05, fix_gamma=True, name=None, use_global_stats=False, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.downsample_module(data, num_filter, kernel, stride, pad, b_h_w, name, aggre_type=None)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.fc_layer(data, num_hidden, no_bias=False, name='fc', **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.fc_layer_act(data, num_hidden, no_bias=False, act_type='relu', name='fc', **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.fc_layer_bn_act(data, num_hidden, no_bias=False, act_type='relu', momentum=0.9, eps=1.0000001e-05, fix_gamma=True, name=None, use_global_stats=False, **kwargs)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.reset_regs()
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.ops.upsample_module(data, num_filter, kernel, stride, pad, b_h_w, name, aggre_type=None)
swirlspy.qpf.dl.prediction_base_factory module
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.prediction_base_factory.PredictionBaseFactory(batch_size, in_seq_len, out_seq_len, height, width, name='forecaster')
- reset_all()
- class swirlspy.qpf.dl.prediction_base_factory.RecursiveOneStepBaseFactory(batch_size, in_seq_len, out_seq_len, height, width, use_ss=False, name='forecaster')
swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils module
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils.cross_entropy_npy(a, b)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils.load_params(prefix, epoch)
- Parameters
prefix (str) –
epoch (int) –
- Returns
arg_params (dict)
aux_params (dict)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils.logging_config(folder=None, name=None, level=20, console_level=10)
- Parameters
folder (str or None) –
name (str or None) –
level (int) –
console_level –
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils.parse_ctx(ctx_args)
- swirlspy.qpf.dl.utils.safe_eval(expr)