Change Log =================== Version 2.4.0 ------------- Release Date: 2021-11-11 00:00 - SAFNWC product reading module added - Parse grid data to RGB format for Web displaying platform added - Various example added - Performance improvement Version 2.3.0 ------------- Release Date: 2020-12-22 - A new version of h8 data parser(swirlspy.sat.h8_v2) added - A function to read TMD radar data (swirlspy.rad.read_netcdf_th_precip, swirlspy.rad.read_netcdf_th_refl) added - FSS and Physical loss functions to train up deep learning precipitation nowcast model added - Various example added - Various bug fixes Version 2.2.0 ------------- Release Date: 2020-06-02 - A module of use deep learning technique to tackle precipitation nowcasting (swirlspy.qpf.dl) added - A function to resample data into specific coordinate values (swirlspy.preprocess.grid_align) added - Various example added - Various bug fixes Version 2.1.0 ------------- Release Date: 2020-02-18 - A module to process prediction and nowcast result blending (RaINS) (swirlspy.blending.nwp_bias_correction) added - A module to GPU version of sla (swirlspy.qpf.sla) added - Various example added - Various bug fixes Version 2.0.9 ------------- Release Date: 2019-12-13 - A module to process Vertically Integrated Ice (VII) (swirlspy.rad.calc_vii) added - A module to process Vertically Integrated Liquid (swirlspy.rad.calc_vil) added - A module to process Indonesia netCDF file (swirlspy.rad.netcdf_id.read_netcdf_id) added - A module to process Himawari-8 data file (swirlspy.sat.h8.read_h8_data) added - A new module to investigates observation lies within circular region added - A new module to blend different source of data added - Procedure to approve new users enhanced - Various bug fixes Version 2.0.8 ------------- Release Date: 2019-09-26 - A QPF motion field method "Constant" from pySTEPS added - A QPF motion field method "DARTS" from pySTEPS added - A QPF motion field method "Dense Lucas Kanade" from pySTEPS added - A QPF motion field method "VET" from pySTEPS added - A QPF forecast method "Extrapolation" from pySTEPS added - A QPF forecast method "SPROG" from pySTEPS added - A QPF forecast method "SSEPS" from pySTEPS added - A QPF forecast method "STEPS" from pySTEPS added - A method to convert a given xarray to rainfall depth added - A method to convert a given xarray to rainfall rate added - A method to convert a given xarray to radar reflectivity added - A method to accumulate rainfall amount added - A method for temporal interpolation added - A new example "SPROG (HK)" added - A new example "STEPS (HK)" added - A new example on probabilistic verification added - Procedure to approve new users enhanced - Various editorial changes to the documentation - Various bug fixes Version 2.0.7 ------------- Release Date: 2019-07-09 - A module on lightning density map added - For IRIS Raw data file, a feature to extract data in 3-dimension addded - Examples adopted subplots to improve readability Version 2.0.6 ------------- Release Date: 2019-05-17 - The *QPE module* revamped, now supports fast compositing of rain gauge and radar QPE by averaging with weights corresponding to the *Truthness* of the respective sensors - The example QPE in Hong Kong revamped to make use of the new *QPE Module* - An example on QPE in Manila added. Thanks @Perez for the contribution! - An example on QPF in Manila added. Thanks @Perez again for the contribution! - A new module on *Lightning Nowcast* added - A new example on *Lightning Nowcast* added Version 2.0.5 ------------- Release Date: 2019-04-12 - An example on *PQPF* added - The example on *QPF* rewritten to better illustrate usage - A new class *Rain* introduced to process Rain Gauge observation data - A module to process IRIS radar product file (swirlspy.rad.irisref) added - A module to compute Fraction Skill Score (FSS) added - A new module to resample gridded data added - QPE rfmap module rewritten to harmonise with the QPF data model - A new page namely *Publications* added - A new page namely *Awards* added - *Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019* added to the Awards web page Version 2.0.4 ------------- Release Date: 2019-03-05 - All *rad* modules (except CINRAD) amended to return fully labelled xarrays - Original ROVER separated into ROVER (Image Highlight + VarFlow) and SLA (Semi-Lagrangian Advection) - *QPE Utils* with methods like dbz2rr, rr2rf etc. added - An *Example on Radar QPE* added - *Getting Started* amended to give clearer instructions to potential and new users - Bugs fixed - Documentations updated - Better PEP8 compliance - Sample data restructured Version 2.0.3 ------------- Release Date: 2019-02-01 - Bugs fixed - Documentations updated - Module QPF/ROVER added, which was updated to work with OpenCV3 - Philosophy added to Contributors' Guide - Examples on QPF/ROVER and Verification modules added Version 2.0.2 ------------- Release Date: 2019-01-22 - Bug fixes - Editorial amendments to documentations - Made testing no longer necessary on docker image - Added simple verification module - Added pages * Data Model and xarray * Z-R Relationship * Most Active Developers Version 2.0.1 ------------- Release Date: 2019-01-09 - Bug fixes - Editorial amendments to documentations - Added page Examples Version 2.0.0 ------------- Release Date: 2018-12-19 First publicly released version.