Publications ============ .. csv-table:: :header: "Year", "Author(s)", "Title", "Journal / Conference", "" :widths: auto 2019, "胡宏俊、甘栢謙、石家俊、吳家豪", "社群版小渦旋臨近預報系統的協同發展", "第33屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,香港,2019年3月6日-8日", `Download `_ 2018, "陳傲軒, 胡宏俊", "公眾定點閃電臨近預報服務", "第32屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 澳門, 2018年1月8日-10日", `Download `_ 2017, "W.C. Woo, W.K. Wong", "Operational Application of Optical Flow Techniques to Radar-Based Rainfall Nowcasting", "Atmosphere, vol. 8, issue 3, p48", `Download `_ 2017, "Xingjian Shi, Zhihan Gao, Leonard Lausen, Hao Wang, Dit-Yan Yeung, Wai-kin Wong, Wang-chun Woo", "Deep Learning for Precipitation Nowcasting: A Benchmark and A New Model", "Thirty-first Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems", `Download `_ 2017, "Wang-chun WOO, Yin-ying IP, Wai-kin WONG, Ngo-hin CHAN", "Development of Satellite Reflectivity Retrieval Technique for Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Nowcasting", "Fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones Landfall Processes (IWTCLP-4), Macau, China, 5-7 December 2017", `Download `_ 2017, "陳傲軒、胡宏俊", "小渦旋臨近預報系統熱帶氣旋模塊的應用個案分析:颱風妮妲(1604)", "第31屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會", `Link `_ 2016, "Wai-kin Wong, Vincent Tsz-lo Cheng, Wang-chun Woo", "Community SWIRLS Nowcasting System (Com-SWIRLS)", "WMO WWRP 4th International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very-short-range Forecast 2016 (WSN16), Hong Kong, China, 25-29 July 2016", `Download `_ 2016, "Erik Becker", "Nowcasting for aviation purposes in South Africa - a case study: Part 2 - Evaluating the HKO's SWIRLS over OR Tambo International Airport", "WMO WWRP 4th International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very-short-range Forecast 2016 (WSN16), Hong Kong, China, 25-29 July 2016", `Download `_ 2016, "胡宏俊、楊海霖、梁明德", "自動以日常用語表達降雨、雷暴及大風實況和降雨預測的系統", "第30屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 廣東省廣州市, 2016年4月20-22日", `Download `_ 2015, "Xingjian SHI, Zhourong CHEN, Hao WANG, Dit-Yan YEUNG, Wai-kin WONG, Wang-chun WOO", "Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting", "Advances in Neural Information Processing System 28 (NIPS2015)", `Download `_ 2015, "W.C. Woo, K.M. Lok", "Experimental Location Specific Probabilistic Rainfall Nowcast", "29th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Seminar on Meteorological Science and Technology, Macao, 20-22 January 2015", `Download `_ 2015, "\P. Cheung, P.W. Li, W.K. Wong", "Blending of Extrapolated Radar Reflectivity with Simulated Reflectivity from NWP for a Seamless Significant Convection Forecast up to 6 Hours", "The 17th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 4-8 January 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.", `Download `_ 2014, "\S. GRIMMOND, G. BEIG, B. BROWN, G. CARMICHAEL, CHEN B., FANG Z., G. FLEMING, A. GARCIA, L. JALKANEN, H. KOOTVAL, LI H., K. LONGO, MU H., PENG L., SHI J., TAN J., TANG X., D. TERBLANCHE, WOO W. & ZHANG J.", "Establishing Integrated Weather, Climate, Water, And Related Environmental Services For Megacities And Large Urban Complexes - Initial Guidance", "Expert Workshop held on 20-21 August 2013, Shanghai, China", `Download `_ 2014, "W.C. WOO, Wallace HOGSETT, M. MOHAPATRA, Kazuhiko NAGATA, Peter OTTO, QI Liangbo, VO Van Hoa, XU Yinglong", "Challenges and Advances related to TC Rainfall Forecast", "The Third International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes (IWTCLP-III), Jeju, 8-10 Nov 2014", `Download `_ 2014, "W.C. Woo, K.K. Li, Michael Bala", "An Algorithm to Enhance Nowcast of Rainfall Brought by Tropical Cyclones Through Separation of Motions", "Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 3(2), 111-121.", `Download `_ 2014, "胡宏俊, 楊海霖, 鄭子路", "應對大雨的特別天氣提示自動編制系統", "第二十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 香港, 2014 年 1 月 13-15 日", `Download `_ 2014, "李健綱, 陳家樂, 胡宏俊, 鄭子路", "透過校準數值預報模式提升短期定量降雨預報的表現", "第二十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 香港, 2014 年 1 月 13-15 日", `Download `_ 2014, "W.C. Woo, K.M. Lok & W.K. Wong", "Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecast for Tropical Cyclone Rainfall", "The Third International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes (IWTCLP-III), Jeju, 8-10 Nov 2014", `Download `_ 2014, "鄭子路 & 胡宏俊", "利用增強的光流變分法為香港地區春季颮線作臨近降雨預報", "第二十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 香港, 2014年1月13-15日", `Download `_ 2013, "C.W. Ng & H Y Yeung", "Development of Radar-Satellite Blended QPE Technique and Application to Rainfall Nowcasting", "27th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Seminar on Meteorological Science and Technology, Shaoguan, Guangdong, 9-10 January 2013", `Download `_ 2013, "P.W. Li & P.W. Chan", "Development of a guideline for thunderstorm reporting based on radar and lightning location data", "Disaster Advances, 6, 71-81, Mar 2013", `Download `_ 2013, "胡宏俊, 鄭子路 & 李健綱", "對應熱帶氣旋降雨的臨近預報方法", "第30屆中國氣象學會年會, 中國南京, 2013年10月23-25日", `Download `_ 2013, "黃梓輝", "香港機場進場離場航道上強對流天氣信息服務", "第30屆中國氣象學會年會, 中國南京, 2013年10月23-25日", `Download `_ 2013, "胡宏俊, 鄭子路 & 蔡振榮", "公眾定點降雨臨近預報服務", "第二十七屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 廣東韶關, 2013年1月9-10日", `Download `_ 2012, "\P. Cheung, H.Y. YEUNG", "Application of optical-flow technique to significant convection nowcast for terminal areas in Hong Kong", "The 3rd WMO International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short-Range Forecasting (WSN12), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6-10 August 2012", `Download `_ 2012, "H.Y. YEUNG", "Recent developments and applications of the SWIRLS nowcasting system in Hong Kong", "The 3rd WMO International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short-Range Forecasting (WSN12), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6-10 August 2012", `Download `_ 2012, "W.K. Wong, S.M. Tse, P. Cheung", "Seamless Weather Forecast from Minutes to Days to Support Air Travel", "HKIE ICT Conference: Technologies for a Smart City, Hong Kong, China, 11 May 2012", `Download `_ 2012, "\K. Srivastava, S.Y. Lau, H.Y. Yeung, T.L. Cheng, R. Hardwaj, A.M. Kannan, S.K.R. Bhowmik & H. Singh", "Use of SWIRLS nowcasting system for quantitative precipitation forecast using Indian DWR data", "MAUSAM Quarterly Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology & Geophysics, Vol.63, No.1 (January 2012), Page 1-16", `Download `_ 2011, "鄭子路, 戴建華, 楊漢賢", "《小渦旋》臨近預報系統在 2010 上海世博會的應用", "第28屆中國氣象學會年會, 中國廈門, 2011年11月2-4日", `Download `_ 2011, "H.Y Yeung, C. Man, S.T. Chan & A. Seed", "Application of Radar-Raingauge Co-Kriging to Improve QPE and Quality Control of Real-time Rainfall Data", "International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, Exeter, U.K., 18-21 April 2011", `Download `_ 2010, "楊漢賢、黃偉健 & 鄭子路", "「多尺度光流變分法」在臨近降雨預報的應用和表現", "第二十四屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 深圳, 2010年1月20-22日", `Download `_ 2010, "\K. Srivastava, Sharon Lau, H.Y. Yeung, A.M. Kannan, S.K.Roy Bhowmik & H. Singh", "Use of SWIRLS Nowcasting System for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Using Indian DWR Data", "Indian Meteorological Society Symposium ‘TROPMET 2010’ on 'Advances in Weather & Climate Services', Kolkata 700020, India, 19-21 May 2010", `Download `_ 2010, "P.W. Li & W.K. Wong", "Development of an Advanced Aviation Nowcasting System by Including Rapidly Updated NWP Model in Support of Air Traffic Management", "14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-21 Jan 2010", `Download `_ 2010, "李炳華", "應用於珠三角空域的雷暴臨近預報系統的發展", "第二十四屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會, 深圳, 2010 年 1 月 20-22 日", `Download `_ 2009, "W.K. Wong, Linus H.Y. Yeung, Y.C. Wang & M. Chen", "Towards the Blending of NWP with Nowcast - Operation Experience in B08FDP", "WMO Symposium on Nowcasting, 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2009, Whistler, B.C. Canada", `Download `_ 2009, "Linus H.Y. Yeung, W.K. Wong, Philip K.Y. Chan & Edwin S.T. Lai", "Applications of the Hong Kong Observatory Nowcasting System Swirls-2 in Support of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games", "WMO Symposium on Nowcasting, 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2009, Whistler, B.C. Canada", `Download `_ 2009, "P.W. Li", "Development of a Thunderstorm Nowcasting System in Support of Air Traffic Management", "AMS Aviation, Range, Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium on Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 11-15 January 2009", `Download `_ 2008, "Linus H.Y. Yeung, Edwin S.T. Lai and Philip K.Y. Chan", "Thunderstorm Downburst and Radar-based Nowcasting of Squalls", "Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland 30 June - 4 July 2008", `Download `_ 2008, "C.S. Lau, J.T.K. Wan, M.C. Chu & P.W. Li", "A High-resolution Rapidly-updated Meteorological Data Analysis System for Aviation Applications", "13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 20-24 January 2008", `Download `_ 2008, "P.W. Li & D.S. Lau", "Development of a Lightning Nowcasting System for Hong Kong International Airport", "13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 20-24 January 2008", `Download `_ 2007, "Linus H.Y. Yeung, Edwin S.T. Lai & Samson K.S. Chiu", "Lightning Initiation and Intensity Nowcasting Based on Isothermal Radar Reflectivity - A Conceptual Model", "The 33rd International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Cairns, Australia, 6-10 August 2007", `Download `_ 2006, "M.C. Wong, S.T. Lai & P.W. Li", "Applications of Nowcasting Products to Real-time Warning of Hazardous Weather in Hong Kong", "WMO PWS Workshop on Warnings of Real-time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology, Sydney, Australia, 9-13 October 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "S.T. Lai & W.K. Wong", "Quantitative Precipitation Nowcast of Tropical Cyclone Rainbands - Case Evaluation in 2006", "39th Session of ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, Manila, Philippines, 8 December 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "M.C. Wong, W.K. Wong, & S.T. Lai", "From SWIRLS to RAPIDS : Nowcast Applications Development in Hong Kong", "WMO PWS Workshop on Warnings of Real-Time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology, Sydney, Australia, 9-13 October 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "P.Y. Cheung, M.C. Wong & H.Y. Yeung", "Application of Rainstorm Nowcast to Real-time Warning of Landslide Hazards in Hong Kong", "WMO PWS Workshop on Warnings of Real-Time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology, Sydney, Australia, 9-13 October 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "H.Y. Yeung", "Nowcasting - the Means for Meeting the Severe Weather Challenge", "Symposium of Science in Public Service, Science Museum, Hong Kong, 27 April 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "Y.F. Tong & S.T. Lai", "Applications of NWP and Nowcasting Techniques for the Warning of Rainstorms and Landslips", "The Tenth WMO Symposium on Education and Training, 'Meteorological and Hydrological Education and Training for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation', Nanjing, China, 18-22 September 2006", `Download `_ 2006, "黃偉健、黎守德", "「激流」(RAPIDS)暴雨預報系統 – 「小渦旋」與數值天氣預報模式的融合", "第二十屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,澳門,2006 年 1 月 18-20 日", `Download `_ 2005, "P.W. Li, X.Y. Wang, Y.Q. Chen & S.T. Lai", "Use of GPS Signal Delay for Real-time Atmospheric Water Vapour Estimation and Rainfall Nowcast in Hong Kong", "The First International Symposium on Cloud-prone & Rainy Areas Remote Sensing, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 6-8 October 2005", `Download `_ 2005, "P.W. Li, W.K. Wong & S.T. Lai", "RAPIDS - A New Rainstorm Warning System in Hong Kong", "WMO/WWRP International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very-short-range Forecasting, Toulouse, France, 5-9 September 2005", `Download `_ 2005, "C.Y. Lam", "Translating Scientific Advancements into Sustained Improvement of Tropical Cyclone Warnings – the Hong Kong Experience", "CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research, Shenzhen, China, 12-16 December 2005", `Download `_ 2004, "P.W. Li & E.S.T. Lai", "Applications of Radar-based Nowcasting Techniques for Mesoscale Weather Forecasting in Hong Kong", "Meteorological Applications Vol. 11, pp 253-264, 2004", `Download `_ 2004, "P.W. Li & Edwin S.T.Lai", "Short-range quantitative precipitation forecasting in Hong Kong", "Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 288, 1-2, 20 March 2004", `Download `_ 2004, "李炳華,周志堅,楊漢賢", "利用廣東省自動氣象站網絡實時資料增強香港暴雨臨近預報的能力", "第十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,香港,2004 年 2 月 16-18 日", `Download `_ 2004, "黃偉健,陳建宇,林靜芝", "中尺度數值模式應用合成雷達資料預報熱帶氣旋的個案研究", "第十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,香港,2004 年 2 月 16-18 日", `Download `_ 2003, "C.C. Lam", "Merging Nowcasting and NWP in Weather Warning Operations, with Special Reference to Landslides", "36th Session of the Typhoon Committee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-20 December 2003", `Download `_ 2003, "李炳華及林超英", "臨近預報在城市地質災害中的應用", "中國氣象學會 2003 年年會學術報告,中國,北京,2003 年 12 月 8-10 日", `Download `_ 2003, "C.C. Lam", "Case Study on the Impact of Radar-derived TREC Winds on Model Forecast of Heavy Rain Associated with Landfalling Tropical Cyclone", "CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No.33 - Research Activities in Atmospheric, and Oceanic Modelling, 2003", `Download `_ 2003, "C.Y. Lam & C.C. Lam", "From Radar Echoes to Landslip Warnings", "Proceedings of Intelligent Engineering, Applications of Digital Remote Sensing Technology, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 11 April 2003", `Download `_ 2003, "陳建宇,李炳華", "臨近預報在香港『山泥傾瀉警告』中的應用", "第十七屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會報告,中國,澳門,2003 年 1 月 22-23 日", `Download `_ 2002, "E.S.T. Lai", "Strategies of Nowcasting and Forecasting Rainstorms in Hong Kong", "WMO Commission for Basic Systems Technical Conference on Data Processing and Forecasting Systems, Cairns, Australia, 2-3 December 2002", `Download `_ 2001, "Edwin S.T. Lai & Ping Cheung", "Short-range rainfall forecast in Hong Kong", "ATC3 Workshop on heavy rain induced landslip, Hong Kong, China, 13 December 2001", `Download `_ 2001, "E.S.T. Lai & P.W. Li", "Radar-based Analyses on the Hailstorm of 9 April 2001", "Proceedings of International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, Taipei, 26-28 September 2001", `Download `_ 2001, "黎守德,李炳華", "「小渦旋」– 1999 及 2000 年暴雨驗證及最新發展策略", "第十五屆粵港澳重要天氣研討會,香港,中國,二零零一年二月十四至十六日", `Download `_ 2001, "C.M. Cheng", "Applications of Remote Sensing in Weather Forecasting and Warnings", "Training Workshop on Natural Disaster Management Using Remote Sensing & GIS Technologies, Hong Kong, China, 7-16 December 2001", `Download `_ 2000, "P.W. Li, W.K.Wong, K.Y. Chan & Edwin S.T. Lai", "SWIRLS - An Evolving Nowcasting System", "HONG KONG OBSERVATORY Technical Note No. 100", `Download `_ 2000, "E.S.T. Lai, P.W. Li, C.M. Chan, M.C. Chu & W.H. Wong", "Pattern Recognition of Radar Echoes for Short-range Rainfall Forecast", "Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, 3-8 September 2000", `Download `_ 2000, "E.S.T. Lai, P.W. Li & C.Y. Lam", "Typical MCS Characteristics on Satellite IR Images for 1997 and 1998 Rainstorm Cases in Hong Kong", "Proceedings of International Conference on MCSs and Heavy Rain in East Asia, Seoul, 24-26 April 2000", `Download `_ 2000, "李炳華,黎守德", "交疊雨帶和幅合線上強對流的雷達觀測分析", "季風與暴雨學術研討會,珠海,中國,二零零零年四月十二日", `Download `_ 1999, "Edwin S.T. Lai and P. W. Li", "Preliminary Performance Evaluation of A Rainstorm Nowcasting System", "", `Download `_ 1999, "P.W. Li, W.K. Wong & Edwin S.T. Lai", "Short-range Forecast of Heavy Rain based on Radar Echo Analysis", "THIRD INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE GLOBAL ENERGY AND WATER CYCLE", `Download `_ 1998, "陳健宇、黎守德、李炳華", "暴雨預報中的溫熵圖及大氣穩定情況分析", "", `Download `_ 1998, "黄伟健、黎守德、李炳华", "从雷达回波的移动趋势预报短期的降雨情况", "", `Download `_ 1998, "Edwin S.T. Lai", "TREC Application in Tropical Cyclone Observation", "", `Download `_