RSMC for Nowcasting

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has been operating its nowcasting services since 1999. In this connection, HKO has developed a suite of nowcasting systems, including the “Short-range Warning of Intense Rainstorms in Localized Systems” (SWIRLS), to aid rainstorm warning operation as well as high-impact weather forecasting for the public and the aviation community. HKO’s nowcasting system has been put to use in various WMO Forecast Demonstration Projects and was demonstrated to be among the best performers. In recent years, HKO develops a community version of its nowcasting system (Com-SWIRLS) to promote knowledge exchange in radar nowcasting techniques and for wider application of nowcasting system. HKO is ready to provide nowcasting services to international users in accordance with the standard and requirements for Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) for nowcasting as described in the WMO Manual on the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) (WMO-No. 485).